For patients who wish to receive medical care and examinations at our hospital

【For foreign patients living in Japan】
Please bring the following documents when coming to the hospital.
(1) Your photo identification (valid passport or residence card)
(2) Your public health insurance card
Verification of these documents is necessary to prevent accidents due to mix-ups during medical examinations and tests. If you do not speak Japanese, please come with a medical interpreter.

【For foreign patients not living in Japan】
Non-resident foreign patients who are not covered by Japanese public health insurance and wish to visit Tokyo Hikifune Hospital should arrange for assistance from a medical travel support company to ensure safe medical care. The hospital is affiliated with the following company certified by Medical Excellence Japan, so please contact this company first.

Emergency Assistance Japan Co., Ltd.

* See the screenings we provide for non-resident foreign patients. Please contact each company listed above about details like service contents and costs.

General health checkup
Brain Screening
Heart-Health Screening
Endoscopic Screening

*Patients shall be responsible for coordination costs.